Lilypond Regression tests

Image File Comment
Test beam-beat-grouping.png Subtle change in text location
Test chord-tremolo-articulations.png Changes to shape of forte marking - repeated in many regtests
Test collision-head-solfa-fa.png Change to the way this notehead shape affects the up lines. Don't understand this at all - the later version blanks part of the line.
Test flag-stem-begin-position.png Same problem with stem
Test flags-default.png Quite significant changes to the grace note slurs. Don't know if this is intended.
Test footnote-break-visibility-page1.png Footnote changes. Deliberate?
Test lyric-combine-switch-voice.png Note changed slur
Test pedal-bracket.png Changed regtest
Test slur-broken-trend.png Lots of subtle slur changes
Test slur-multiple-linebreak.png Note much shorter slur over line break.
Test slur-multiple.png Think this is an intended change from a fix
Test slur-vestigial-outside-staff-callback.png Significant change to slur
Test spacing-horizontal-skyline-grace.png Slur moved a long way down